The life of a father is about setting an example for his children. James “Bub” Jackson showed us how to live—really live. He worked hard to provide for his family and enjoyed his life, and demonstrated that it is ok and you should do both. Life is about balance. Simply put, he pursued his passion and showed us how to do the same as we discovered what was important to us.
As adults, we can now reflect, that as we sat with him on a cold day hunting or fishing; the deeper lesson was to find peace and stillness in the outdoors. Let nature speak to you and take the time to listen and observe. To wait and be patient in order to achieve your goal or “the big one.” A lesson that we now know can be transferred from hunting and fishing to everyday life. There is peace in pursuing your passion. He showed us how to hunt, fish, play basketball, engage others with different backgrounds, have fun, and work hard. He left a legacy, as a father, grandfather, and outdoorsman. The domination of the outdoors for our father may be complete but the journey and legacy continues.
-Jamie Jackson